Traveling with my siblings is so much better now
Sister trip in Rome, by the coliseum.
I was sitting outside a café in Rome with my sister when a bird dropping landed on my shoulder. As I felt the thick wet splash on my back, I cringed and hurried to clean it up. My sister, who was sitting directly in front of me, started laughing hysterically. There was no point in vengeance, so I just burst out laughing myself and cleaned up the mess on my back while she assured me that the act was a sign of good luck.
This is one of the reasons why I like trips with my siblings (not the bird pooping part). You can instantly and easily be entertained by each other’s misfortune. The notion that you have to act a certain way isn’t necessary, so there is no pressure to make an impression. I think that you're the best version of your true self when you're with your sibling. Whatever situation you find yourself in, you can turn it into a fun and memorable moment.
Suzana quenching her thirst in Rome
Don't get me wrong; you can probably do this with any of your friends, but it's not the same. I've traveled with friends. It’s great, but I always have to put my guard up. I make sure I act my best as not to create tension, awkward silences, or, God forbid, arguments. When you're with your sibling, there is a mutual understanding and reassurance. You're in a safe place where quarrels are temporary. You've been through too much to hold any grudges, and ultimately, they’ve got your back. You understand that your companionship is strong enough to withhold any predicament you get in.
On our way to Paris
Another benefit of traveling with your sibling is that your rivalry days are behind you, and you're finally making enough money to take grown-up trips. The years you've spent bickering finally pays off when you board the plane and you both can reach for a relaxing drink just as Suzana and I did when we boarded Emirates business class and were greeted with a glass of champagne. Maybe I'm not a pro at this, but I've been on enough trips to notice an upward trend in my dopamine level. I've come to pay close attention to the relationship between what I do and the level of my happiness I experience.
For me taking these trips creates a space for genuine, uninterrupted conversations. I've truly come to value these precious moments especially now that we're all busy with our lives. Getting to spend quality time together means we both get to share what’s going on in our lives in-depth. Going on a trip with my sibling is important because it allows us to appreciate one another.
My life is totally different from my siblings. They are married with kids, something I have grown to understand and cherish as they have shared many stories with me about their lives. I value them not only as siblings but as mothers and wives. Of course, these trips also mean that my sisters get a much-needed break from kids yelling mommy, and I get some solid sister time plus a break from traveling solo. It's a win-win situation if you ask me.
I'm first to admit that sibling trips can also take a quick downward turn. Maybes it's the lack of politeness or having the freedom to be yourself around each other, but situations shift quickly when you're around your brother or sister for too long. Regardless of what the reason may be, the culprit is usually miscommunication or perhaps too much communication.
Having an honest conversation and creating an atmosphere where both of you can enjoy each other’s company without the dreaded cold shoulder is a great start. It’s what my twin and I did after she woke me up early in the morning after our first day in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico wanting to have a full-blown conversation before my coffee. You may have a perfect relationship with your sibling and not suffer occasional arguments while traveling (if so, I'm jealous). Personally, I've learned that having an honest conversation prior to your trip eliminates any misconceptions so you both can enjoy the trip.
In my few years of experience, I’ve made up some great ways to keep the calm and enjoy vacations with family or friends. By no means is this list limited to siblings only. Hope you consider these 8 tips on your next trip with any traveling partner. I bet you'll both have a fun trip and make tons of memories!
1. Be honest with each other no matter what.Resolve issues by having honest conversation: no need to keep something in when an honest conversation can bring it to light and resolve it.
2. Discuss before you board the plane, if it's going to be a glamour trip or penny-pinching trip.
3. Both of you should agree on the itinerary. My twin and I took the bus in Mexico to our hotel instead of the taxi I know that wouldn't fly with my other sister.
4. Find things to do that you both like, or enjoy an activity the other person likes. I went shopping with my sister Suzana even though thats the last thing I wanted to do in Rome.
5. Create time and space to talk and catch up. When I took a trip with my twin, this was usually after coffee during breakfast or dinner time.
6. But also take time off from each other. When we were in Puerto Vallarta, I went paddle boarding and my sister met up with her friends. I ended up getting seasick and throwing up all over the paddle board and the water. When I got back to our hotel and I told my twin what happened, we both lost it laughing at me.
7. Stick with the plan so you can enjoy the trip and maximize your outing. Suzana and I got a tour bus passes in Paris and Rome. It was tacky, but we got to see the entire city.
8. Respect what your sibling takes seriously. My twin is an early bird who can wake up talking your ears off, whereas I need my coffee and start my morning quieter.
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